Friday, April 16, 2010

Too Much Tired!!!

Crazy does not even begin to describe the last week and a half around here. First, there was my birthday, which was such a huge event that it deserves its own post. For now, I'll just say that my fiber whims were fully indulged, and there was cake (and some other goodies) too.  As soon as my birthday was over, I put my work schedule in high gear so I could earn a work-free trip to Florida.  And then I had to start planning the work-free trip to Florida. Air fare was prohibitive this year, so we are driving. Laundry, maps, hotel reservations, strategic food shopping and 40 hours worth of activities to keep us all from killing each other in the car . . . the to-do list was eternal.  And I was still working on it at 3:45 on Thursday, which is actually when we were supposed to be leaving.  An hour later, we got on the road and we didn't get off for 300 miles, by which time we were in Washington, PA.  A lovely place, I'm sure, but all we did was sleep and eat breakfast there.  The kids, however, loved the Hampton Inn and its delightful breakfast.  They are ready to plan a whole new trip just so we can go back to the hotel and eat breakfast again.

Today we chalked up another 600 miles and, after too many potty breaks and way too much road construction, we have made it to Walterboro, SC.  For some reason, I thought our hotel had one of those fancy indoor-outdoor pools, and I talked about it a lot on the drive.  This, as it transpired, was a bad idea because, in point of fact, the hotel has no pool. What it does have is a convenient 'sharing' agreement with the hotel across the highway, but the hotel across the highway seems to have a sharing agreement of its own with the local mosquito population and we found the atmosphere less than inviting.  My poor children got a two-minute swim and then we fled to the safety of our deluxe hotel room so we could order pizza (not enough of it), eat more road snacks (probably too much of that), and do a lot of this . . .

and this . . .


and this . . .


because,  really, we didn't sit on our butts enough today.

On the upside, when I was packing up my knitting for the drive I was seized with the irrational fear that I would run out of knitting in the middle of the trip (doesn't sound like much of an upside, does it?  Wait for it, though, we'll get there). Plus, I was feeling guilty about leaving my long neglected Must Have Cardi at home when I would have so much knitting time available. So, in addition to the February Lady sweater and the two sock projects (yes, two, because even though I haven't finished a single sock in the last three months, I'm suddenly going to tear through two pair in a week)  that were already packed, I tossed in a few balls of my pink yarn and my Cardi and I have worked on nothing but my neglected Cardi for the entire trip. I even whipped out a spiffy new book light when the sun went down last night, and earned several choice comments from El Husbando in the process. I now have about 10.5 inches of the body done and in another 2 inches (or so) I can divide for the sleeves. I plan to get there tomorrow, but I have no plans to start the sleeves while I'm on this trip.  I still believe I'm going to work on socks during the week, but even I'm not fool enough to believe that I'll be making 2 pair of socks during the 4 days that I'm spending in Florida. But, if I'm a good girl and I finish the body of the Cardi soon, I'll get to start my February Lady on the trip home, for which I'll use some very beautiful birthday yarn that my parents don't know they bought for me. Pictures soon, but not tonight because I left all the yarn in the car.  I hope there are no roving yarn thieves in Walterboro.

p.s. We're ready to go swimming now.


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