Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today I am . . .

 . . . working very hard at not working.  And getting quite good at it.

. . .  entertained by this growing collection of real life weird things customers have asked this bookseller.

. . .  missing the scorching warm temps we had at the beginning of the week.

. . . wondering what this turtle--last seen while riding my bike yesterday morning*--is doing now.


*nice try, grammar police:  I was riding, the turtle was squelching in the mud.

. . . thinking how silly it is that I have 30 stitches left to bind off on my I Knit Like a Twit socks, but they're still sitting in the knitting basket waiting for my attention.


. . . wondering why my five year old thinks it is so funny when I shout things to him.

. . . waiting for the world to slow down so I can  get back to this--


or this --


or this --


Really, a few minutes on any one of them would be fine.

. . . thinking how nice it is to look outside and see flowers  where last year there was only mud,




although I can't figure out whether this ugly duckling


is an authorized and bona fide garden plant or an invasive weed.  And how long do I wait before deciding?

. . .wishing it wasn't time for me to get back to work. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Nice irises ! If it were me, I'd leave the mystery plant until it flowered,then decide its fate :-)
