Sunday, August 2, 2009

Diplomatic relations

Here is the view from the back yard yesterday. The cats look like they are watching the most amazing TV show EVER. Pure Kitty Fun. What could possibly be this interesting?

It appears we have some foreigners visiting. They require careful observation.

Relations between the nations are marked by quiet suspicion on one side and sheer obliviousness on the other.

The humans and the chickens thoroughly enjoyed the back yard outing. There were liberal amounts of grass eating, bug eating, pooping, and giggling. I will not insult you by specifying which species took part in which games.

Unfortunately some unnamed parties (coughthedogcough) could not be trusted not to eat the visitors and were placed under house arrest. The same unnamed party (cough%$@#@dogcough) was later jailed and given a stern talking to when it was discovered that he had expressed his feelings through acts of terrorism directed at some innocent curtains.

p.s. Regarding the staggering number of un-done to-do-list items: Garden: done (four weeks of weeds obliterated in one afternoon; there was even dirt in my scalp when I was done); Sweet little baby sweater: done (despite continuing absence of instructions; still has not been mailed, though); Shed amenities: done (roost [removable for cleaning and wonderfully simple in its construction], clever chicken door, and nesting boxes [except for their lids]); Shed painting: started (primer is done and main color should be done tomorrow, assuming work gets done); Dishes: mostly done; Grocery shopping: done; Whining: done!

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